Wednesday, August 11, 2010

RM440,000 per CCTV

I read the news on The Sun on August 10, 2010. And i saw the following article.CCTV _0002

Try to read the article, or you can see from another link in Yahoo News. Now, I enlarge the part highlighted in yellow:

CCTV _0001

My dear Malaysians. Can you believe it? Let me repeat again in caps: FIVE MORE CCTV will be installed involving a cost of RM2.2 MILLION! That’s RM440,000 per CCTV! That’s is where all you tax money went.

Let me put this on a scale. A conventional CCTV, weather proof, wireless room-to-room, HD CCTV camera cost about RM600. The receiver and monitor combo may cost you up to RM1500 or more. So total up for one CCTV is about RM3000. If used in the city for surveillance, at most it’ll reach RM10,000 per CCTV. But our government man Dr. Rais said our CCTV cost RM440,000 per CCTV. So what so special that it cost RM430,000? That’s YOUR TAX MONEY!

Let’s put on another scale. If we used police patrollers to patrol around Putrajaya. Each cop is paid at an average RM1200 per month for lower levels. Guess how many cops can you pay for each CCTV’s price tag? Then, multiply with 5 of those numbers. You can employ up to 1834 policemen in a month, or 50 policemen for 36 months!

Police Diraja Malaysia, how you wish these money is given for your pay rise.

There’s more! The Government allocated RM344million for all these bullshit CCTV that doesn’t cost fucks.

Remember someone you know who bought a Spanking new BMW or a Mercedes Benz? Those 300% tax went into these CCTV. Tell your friends to go to Putrajaya and take home one CCTV. It’s rightfully yours.

The best part is that the government PUBLICLY PRACTICED FRAUD AND CORRUPTION YET WOULD ANNOUNCE IT GLEEFULLY. This is the only country in the world where the Government got the balls the size of Earth to practice corruption and PUBLICLY announce it on multiple news! MALAYSIA BOLEH.


If you support Malaysian Government, YOU ARE AN APPLE!!

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