I am SMARTER than an APPLE
Apple has an IQ of 5. I have a higher IQ of more than 110. My Malaysian government sucks. They are Apples. If you support the Malaysian Government, you are an APPLE!!
Friday, November 12, 2010
Monday, November 8, 2010
Mitsubishi Evo vs Girls
Me: Oh, I WANT EVO! Oh EVO♥, can i have you?
Evo: Oh course you can have me~~♥ All you need is cash ♥. Just like getting a girl~~
Me: OH YEAH~~♥....So can i have fun with you?
Evo: Of course you can have fun with me~♥. Just like any other girl you can have fun with~~..
Me: err...i can fuck with girls, but how can i fuck you? =.='''
Evo: All you need to do is 'drive' me hard~~♥...
(friend interupts: shut up and drive)
Me: oh yeah~~♥ I'll 'drive' you hard. I'll 'drive' you 'till you can't take it and you'll scream for more~~
Evo: VROOM psh VROOOOM psh~~~~~ VROOOOMMM!!! psh-pop-pop-pop (after-burner exhaust noise)
(friend interupts: can you just shut the fuck up!?)
Me: okay.... Err, is it this exit?
Friend: Ya lah....you and your Evo shit....

Saturday, August 28, 2010
Please Don't Bring Back Racism
When the British occupy our then Tanah Melayu, imigrants came because of them. In order to deter political uprising, the British decides to split the three main races in the country. The Indians will focus on labour and rubber industry, the Chinese were mainly merchants and businessmen while the Malays will focus on politics and governance. The three races were even seperated by schools. Thus, it wasn't possible to unite and overthrow the occupation.
When the Japanese came, this racial organization was further magnified. The Japs will slaughter any Chinese they find ugly, the Indians were pushed further into rubber and the Malays were fed with propaganda. Then, the Parti Komunis Malaya (PKM) rose and fought against the Japs. The PKM was one of the very foundations of racial unity. Almost for the first time, officially, people of different races unite to fight off the Japs; either in guerilla offensive way, politcal methods (which include hyprocricies) and various other ways (that i don't remember).
Once the Japanese homeland was bombed by Albert Einstein's invention, the British took over. Then begun the first war on terror against the PKM. This was the second foundation of racial harmony, built upon the PKM's foundation, to unite all races and fight against terrorism.
But the racial unity does not date until there, it was dated all the way back during Parameswara times. Malacca became friends with Chinese merchants; Sultan Mansur Shah married Putri Hang Li Poh; Malacca and China exchanged 'gifts'; The Arabs came and spread Islam; Arabs took Malacca as their second home; Malacca's foreign policy was so open and friendly that people from all over Asia took it as the second home. Our ancestors can be traced back to the Arabs, China, Indonesia, Indo-China and even Portugal. The intake of foreign asian races during those times was the root of our multi-cultural and multi-ethnic society. We are very proud of this fact.
But we also know very well that when foreign powers came in, our unity was broken. We will always remember that the foreign powers who came and make a mess are our real enemies. We should not be disillusioned to make ourselves enemies of each other.
After Merdeka, everybody enjoyed the racial unity. The non-bumiputras agreed to the special rights of ethnic Malays because after all, the land was rightfully theirs and they should be responsible to take care of it. Still, we were harmonious. Nobody was called a raced, but everybody was called a Malaysian!
Until recently, some people took things too far. Some Malays are blinded and disillusioned by the fact of quota and special rights. They became so blind that they begin to believe that non-Malays are imigrants, occupying their land, challenging their rights and they should be chased out of their Tanah Melayu. I'm a Chinese and I beliece that these people are disillusioned by racist politicians.
You see, there is also a lot of problems with our politicians. They becamse racist because they want money and power (God knows what Mahathir did). This is why corruption and racism come together in Malaysian politics. Upon covering their abuse of power, they raise the special rights issue and scare those who tried to challenge them and favour those who feed them. This special rights was being abused by our dirty politicians.
These people, until today, have successfully brainwashed ad blind folded the Malays into believing into special-rights and Malay supremacy. Like all ideas, this 'blindness' will spread like a diseases and if we don't take of this disease, ethnic conflict will happen.
We can see many issues about a small group of Malays voicing out hate speech and expressing Malay special rights supremacy. These people are clearly blindfulded by their very own government. Those who has seen the world, knew what is going outside our home and understood our own history just kept quiet. This is because we, the people who are open minded and NOT BLINDED (who hae clear vision of things) are threatened by the politicised special rights.
Personally, I respect the special rights very much. But i hate it when our politician politicise it and abuse that power to favour themselves. When ethnic clashes do happen, it is those dirty politicians will gain benefit and flee at first hand (God knows what Mahathir will do in the future). So fuck you Ibrahim Ali....
This is by the smartest person on the flat surface of the earth!!!!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
RM440,000 per CCTV
I read the news on The Sun on August 10, 2010. And i saw the following article.
Try to read the article, or you can see from another link in Yahoo News. Now, I enlarge the part highlighted in yellow:
My dear Malaysians. Can you believe it? Let me repeat again in caps: FIVE MORE CCTV will be installed involving a cost of RM2.2 MILLION! That’s RM440,000 per CCTV! That’s is where all you tax money went.
Let me put this on a scale. A conventional CCTV, weather proof, wireless room-to-room, HD CCTV camera cost about RM600. The receiver and monitor combo may cost you up to RM1500 or more. So total up for one CCTV is about RM3000. If used in the city for surveillance, at most it’ll reach RM10,000 per CCTV. But our government man Dr. Rais said our CCTV cost RM440,000 per CCTV. So what so special that it cost RM430,000? That’s YOUR TAX MONEY!
Let’s put on another scale. If we used police patrollers to patrol around Putrajaya. Each cop is paid at an average RM1200 per month for lower levels. Guess how many cops can you pay for each CCTV’s price tag? Then, multiply with 5 of those numbers. You can employ up to 1834 policemen in a month, or 50 policemen for 36 months!
Police Diraja Malaysia, how you wish these money is given for your pay rise.
There’s more! The Government allocated RM344million for all these bullshit CCTV that doesn’t cost fucks.
Remember someone you know who bought a Spanking new BMW or a Mercedes Benz? Those 300% tax went into these CCTV. Tell your friends to go to Putrajaya and take home one CCTV. It’s rightfully yours.
The best part is that the government PUBLICLY PRACTICED FRAUD AND CORRUPTION YET WOULD ANNOUNCE IT GLEEFULLY. This is the only country in the world where the Government got the balls the size of Earth to practice corruption and PUBLICLY announce it on multiple news! MALAYSIA BOLEH.
If you support Malaysian Government, YOU ARE AN APPLE!!
Monday, July 26, 2010
Left 4 Dead 2 Blowjob Poster
It was found in the Left 4 Dead 2 campaign, Dead Centre. The started, i walked down the stairs in game and found this picture on the wall (IN GAME!). The same picture appeared on somewhere else in the game.
Ironic. Midway fending off zombies, there comes this blowjob thing.
What’s wrong with my pc? It’s getting horny…
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
It Reaches Back To Me. Say No To Vengeance
My good friend, a Pretty Female (she recently became single, but forget it) became single. It ended earlier than i expected because i know very well her ex is not serious in this. Still, the Pretty Female (let’s call her PF, Problem Face) accepted the proposal of a relationship. She knew this wasn’t serious and she said she wanted to have fun and try it out. I said, ok then, go ahead, don’t go too deep.
Few months later, she went deep and at that point the ex (let’s call him X) broke up with Problem Face. In other words, she actually developed feelings for X. Then, suddenly it was over. Pretty sudden though.
X might be a jerk, but who cares. Not that you wanna care. I don’t care either. Still, it reaches back to me.
I took her, with another good friend, for a spin and swim later in the evening. She cried after the swim. She said she cried throughout the night and unable to sleep and she cried again in the evening with us this time.
Its heart wrenching to see someone broke down to tears all of a sudden. What she been through reminds of my experience. It reaches back to me. I somehow feel very sorry for her. I been through it myself. (yeah, i’ve been dumped by a girl, don’t laugh, LOL. But the dumping process took longer than a simple sms. It goes a long way.)
It’s the third time that someone close to me is going through the heartbreak. And for all those three cases, they resort to vengeance.
Once they have their heart broken by an ex, the are sad. Very sad. That’s for sure. And to make it feel better, the short term solution is resort to vengeance.
I hate the idea of vengeance. However, I had that slightest idea of vengeance when i was (finally) dumped. But all it takes to release the emotions is songs written for the heartbreaks (Coldplay’s X&Y and My Chemical Romance) and a few pages of rants that i wrote in Microsoft Word 2003. After that, i feel better.
Only then i realize there is a better world than vengeance. Once i’ve managed to put it all behind me, i realized that vengeance only makes you bitter, darker and emotionally unstable. I don’t like that. I understand why vengeance is one of the 7 sins.
For some time, PF will be going through the pain. She may think it’s hard to get back up again but don’t worry. She will get help from many. I want to reach out to her as how this thing reaches to me. I don’t want another person resort to vengeance. It’ll be hard to turn back.
Note: Problem Face has a double meaning. PF means face problem (a word of bully or poking fun). PF also means FACE YOUR PROBLEM (with a positive attitude.) SAY NO TO VENGEANCE!
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
True meaning of BMW: Banyak Makan Wang
I truly understood BMW’s costly-ness. Here are the few things that are seemingly conventional and cheap parts that could cost you a bomb. I’ll compare it with price equivalents of the conventional things that you use and consume cheaply everyday. I’ll put it in pictorial form.
Item 3: AC Schitzer BMW Rims 17” 225 x 4 wheels
Item 4: Tires size R17 225 H45 for 4 pieces
Item 5: 2.0L Replacement Engine for 320i E46
= + sea freight chargers + unspecified waiting time
Get the picture?