Saturday, October 10, 2009

Crash of a Kind

I met an accident in my BMW 318i (E46). The following is a sequence of events of my accident.

  1. Rushing for work. sprinting on the highway.
  2. took the leftest lane and break hard upon a slow car.
  3. spot a tight space at the middle lane. a chance to dash through to the right lane.
  4. let go of brakes and turn right hard for a quick lane-switch.
  5. rear tires lost grip.
  6. fish-tail right towards right lane. attempt counter-steering manoeuvre.
  7. car switch direction to the left. rear tires still failed to get into grips. fish-tails to the left.
  8. Attempt counter-steering again but too late. crashed into the right side of a perodua kelisa at the middle lane.
  9. car begins 360-spin clockwise. Attempt 360 steering manoeuvre for a controlled spin at the right lane.
  10. car loses momentum at about 280 degrees. front end does not have enough momentum to spin back into place. dabbed the brakes, rear right wheel caught a knock on the centre highway divider.
  11. car back in control.
  12. parks on the left emergency lane and inspect damage.
  13. Perodua Kelisa has the right part totalled. both right doors are damaged beyond operational conditions. B-pillar is slightly deformed.
  14. my car, front left ‘facial’ damage. left lights, left dents on engine hood and left quarter panel, left part of bumper sheared and slightly deformed.

What i have learned:

I used to adore the Nissan 370Z. Since this crash, i don’t like the nissan anymore. If i were driving the Nissan, my front bumper might have thrown to the other side of the highway. I’ve become a loyal fan of BMW 3 series from then on.

Don’t buy a Perodua Kelisa. The body structure is really weak. If i failed to control the car properly or failed to minimize the damage, or a go out of hand at an even higher speeds, the structure could have collapsed.

Inspect your tires before travelling fast. If your mechanic says it’s worn out, he’s right. But i forgot about my worn-out rear tires. So, improve your memory.

Believe in unexpected fate. The guy i crashed is someone from JB. Nice guy. He’ll bring on a tour around JB or even get me a good hotel if i’m heading there for a holiday. by the way, JB is not as dangerous as what the newspapers said. It’s anytime safer than KL.

Not posting any pictures of the crash.

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